Monday, March 23, 2009

Upcoming Am-DOTCOM Meeting

Dear AM DOTCOMers,

Our next meeting will be:

on March 27, Friday,
at 15:30.

Place - the same (where we had the last two meetings).

Please, check your emails for details!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Photos of AM DOTCOMers

Dear DOTCOMers,

I am pleased to inform you that all photos of AM DOTOMers' events from now on will be uploaded here:

I would highly appreciate if all our AM participants assist me and share new photos of their group events with me in future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BarCamp EVN09 - Pre-camp for AM DOTCOMers

On Friday, March 13th, we had a wonderful meeting (pre-camp) with BarCamp EVN'09 coordinators - Arthur Papyan ( and Gegham Vardanyan ( First they talked about the upcoming BarCamp and its "rules". They encouraged our DOTCOMers to prepare presentations for the event.

Then the guests told our students about Blogs, Bloggers and Armenian Blogosphere. Our DOTCOMers were listening with great interest and then started a lively discussion. The meeting passed in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

DOTCOM meeting "Save Teghut" and "Green Light"

On March 11th DOTCOMers had a very interesting meeting with young activists of "Save Teghut" and "Green Light" youth movements. We talked about ecological problems of the country, discussed different problems that people face in their communities, talked about public awareness and we had a brisk, heated, interesting and useful discussion about the role of media (especially Internet and Blogs) in improvement of all above mentioned issues. We had 22 DOTCOMers present and almost all of them actively participated in the discussions. Many participants were thrilled with new ideas regarding the future (goals) of their blogs.